Standards and curricula should be supportive of traditional content and practices while respecting the values of constituents and local communities. Here’s how these goals become realities.

Curriculum Review

A Curriculum Review shows what students are learning and whether those materials are appropriate and effective, answering three main questions:

Does the curriculum avoid factual distortions or grade-inappropriate presentations of topics?

Are there opportunities to incorporate the strongest qualities of classical education without becoming a full classical school?

Do social studies materials provide students with a robust understanding of American history and especially the principles of the American Founding?

Standards Review and Revision

Facilitating the review and revision of state academic standards for state education agencies, aligning standards for select instructional materials, and training teachers on standards use.

Instructional Materials Adoption

Providing project management services for the vetting and review of instructional materials for state education agencies and local districts.

“Jordan provided my board with more transparency and more detailed analysis of our curriculum than we had ever had before. He proved trustworthy in always working on behalf of the board majority and respecting the the values of the families I represented, giving me the confidence to govern effectively.”

School Board Member, Pennsylvania